Nvm CheatSheet

January 05, 2023



  1. Download the setup file from the link above.
  2. Run the installer as an administrator.


Open Command Prompt as an administrator and use the following commands:

# List available versions
nvm ls available

# Install a specific version
nvm install <version-name>

# Use a specific version
nvm use <version-name>

# Check the current version
nvm current

# Uninstall a specific version
nvm uninstall <version-name>


  • nvm list: List installed versions.
  • nvm list available: List available versions.
  • nvm install <version>: Install a specific version.
  • nvm use <version>: Use a specific version.
  • nvm current: Check the current version.
  • nvm uninstall <version>: Uninstall a specific version.


nvm install 14.17.0
nvm use 14.17.0

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Written by Manthan Ankolekar who lives and works in Karnataka, India. You should follow them on Twitter